Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Common Good

A common good in our society sounds like a big fantasy that we are trying to reach. The essay says we should have cooperation with one another to achieve a common goal, but I find that impossible in our nation. If we had common good in our world, it would be perfect; everyone would have money to spend, cheap health care to pay, participation from everyone in the community. Sounds like a perfect world to live in, but unfortunately  nothing in our world is perfect; we are far from perfect. This essay reminds me about Federalist no. 10 that Madison wrote, I find it these two papers similar because Madison says if everyone had the same thoughts and ideas we wouldn't have problems with factions, which is impossible he said. Its the same for the common good if everyone had the same thoughts and ideas we could achieve the common good easily. If we didn't have individualism there would be no selfishness in our world, we would be able to achieve anything. Unfortunately there are selfish people who always want more and more in life. I'm not saying individualism is bad, we all want to express ourselves right? But we could benefit a whole lot more if we focused on the bigger idea to benefit everyone instead of just ourselves. Common good does not exist in our world, everyone is too greedy there are people who do try their best, but it does not make up for those who don't try at all.

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