Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Political Cartoon

How do you think the artist came up with a drawing like this? Do you agree with it or disagree with it?

Do you think the second amendment is ineffective in our constitution or starting to become ineffective?

If you could, would you change the second amendment or keep it the same?


  1. Answers:
    1) I agree with this picture because it is true. Everyday more and more inosent people are getting killed. The artisit might have come up with this because he may have experience it happeing to someone close to him.
    2) I think it is affective and they should keep it. It is just that to many people are abusing it, they need to make it harder for citizens to get guns, and then maybe their would be less killings. Everyone should have the right to be able to protect themselves.
    3)I would keep it the same, but add new guidlines to how you can get fire arms, and when they should be used/could be used.

    ~Justin J.~

  2. I agree with this artist's depiction of the Second Amendment. As Justin said, every day innocent people are killed as a result of violence. I think the little "scoring guy" at the bottom represents how, although such a tragedy, each death is just a number to the government. To me, the artist is trying to say that the second amendment is wrong and should be changed. What I do not understand is the "Tyrants Overthrown" section on the scoreboard.

  3. I believe that this cartoon does depict the second ammendment properly. Although citizens have the right to bear arms for protection, it is being used in the wrong way as well. Innocent people are being killed everyday for no reason at all. Even though this law is in place, people can still get guns very easily, and no matter what changes or additional laws they could add, I still believe that guns will forever be a problem.
