Monday, October 3, 2011

Simile/Metaphor for Seperation of Powers and Checks and Balances

The Checks and Balances is like three separate branches on a tree. They each balance the tree out and make sure that one branch doesn't get more nutrients than the others.

I compared the Checks and Balances to a tree branch because it is essentially the same. Tree branches get nutrients distrubited evenly among each other, so that no one branch can get overly large or have more power over one another.

The Separation of Powers is like soccer. There are three different things that keep the game together. First is the coaches they tell the players what to do like the president. Second is the referee that makes judgements to see if something is right or wrong. Third is the rules they are made up and must be followed if passed.

I compared to the Separation of Powers to soccer because I found it similar to one another. If our government wasn't split into three then somone would be taking advantage of the power. Like in soccer how if we didn't have referees players would be taking advantage of foul plays and keep doing bad things.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your metaphor of separation of powers being like soccer. If the players made their own decisions, the game would probably soon descend into an angry mob. Similarly, the biased coaches should also not be allowed to judge the plays. The separation of duties in a game of soccer, although it might cause some frustration, is necessary to keep the game orderly and fair. My questions is this: Do you think that the metaphor of soccer for government extends to the two teams representing the two-party system? Also, would you say that the division of power on a soccer team could also be compared to a system of checks and balances?

  3. Tom, I like the way you said that. Checks and Balances are all about making sure that one branch is not overpowering the other branch. They play such a major role, that if we did not have the system our government may just crumble. But, what if one branch breaks off, is that possible? Also will the system ever fail?

  4. Tom, I too like how you compared separation of powers to soccer. The referees make judgments to see if things are right or wrong, just like the judicial system. These people aren't just handed a job though, they need to go through extensive training, just like referees do. If referees were uneducated on the rules or favored one team, the game would be unbalanced, just like if one branch was more powerful than another. Do you feel that multiple referees are needed in order to separate powers on the playing field? What if there were only one or two refs,how would the powers be separated?

  5. That was not me.That k7,t6\wyp678ia9s,ko'/

  6. That was me im having a strokeqero slkcn4jeo;kml4rekcm45r;

  7. That was not me. That was someone else. I am deeply sorry. I am not like this at all.Again I am sorry Oakgrove School District.

  8. Again I am sorry. That was a another student being irresponsible.
