Is the middle class really dropping down to low numbers or is this an exaggeration?
How do you think we can increase the number of people, in the United States, to the status of "middle class"?
How can we tell what class we are in, is there a distinct way to tell? Does it feel different in a way?
Tom, I like this cartoon because it really puts things into perspective. As far as your first question goes, I think they are exaggering it alittle bit. It's not as bad as they make it seem. I'm not saying that a good amount of middle class people didn't slip into the lower class position, but most of them did because the economy. And they are on the cusp, they are trying their hardest to get back to where they were. And also, most upper class people that would drop would drop into the middle class category, so it ends up to even out. They are exaggerating in this cartoon a lot.