Thursday, October 20, 2011

2000 Election Reading

Prereading questions:
1. Why did they make the voting cards so confusing?
2. Why did they use chads, why not fill in a circle, or circle the letter for the person you want to vote for?
3. Has this been a one of a kind thing or has it happened already in the past?
4. How long does a recount usually take if they were not pressured on the time limit?
5. Was it fair of them to stop the recount?

1. The election was finally decided on a 5-4 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
2. Democrats demanded a vote recount in several Florida counties.
3. The Florida votes were cast by punching out a chad.
4. Winning the state of Florida for the candidates is worth 25 electoral votes for them.
5. Bush won in the end of the election.

Post reading questions:
1. Will we ever find out who really won the election?
2. Are chads still used or are they discontinued because of the 2000 election incident?
3. Why did they not extend the time limit for the recount? Is this unfair or is it ok in your opinion?
4. How could they have done this more efficiently and less chaotic then they did during the time?
5. Were the older citizens just saying they thought they voted for the wrong person or did they just take advantage of the confusion and demanded recounts to help Gore?

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