Thursday, November 17, 2011

Frontline: Lost in Detention

1. Law enforcement works best when the community works with it.
2. Obamas top advisor is Cesila Menos ( I do not know if i spelled her name correctly).
3. Four and a half million U.S. childrens parents' are undocumented.
4. Three million immigrants are detained in the system.
5. Antonios wife was taken away from him.
6. Children and their illegal immigrated parents will be seperated if the parents are caught.
7. Ice is the main immigration enforcement.
8. Ice has offices in all 50 states
9. During Obamas presidentcy the number of illegal immigrants increased.
10. Willisee is a corrupt place!

1. Once deported can the deported people ever come back to the U.S. and gain citizenship?
2. What will happen to the children that were born U.S. citizens that have both parents deported?
3. Does ice get a punishment for all of those complaints in Willisee?
4. Is ice efficient in removing illegal immigrants?
5. How do they find illegal immigrants is it just by there look or something else?

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